Can I Use These Pics For My Site?:
NO!! You must get written permission from me and the artist before anything goes anywhere but here! If I said okay, that means for MY stuff, for Amelia's and Lethal's, send me a message and I'll contact them.
Can I Submit Without Joining?:
Certainly! I'd be happy to just post one or two drawing from you. But updates are bimonthly and slow so don't expect it up the day after. If more than just one person is nice enough to donate a few, I'll even make it its own page.
Is It Okay If I Save pics For Myself?:
I guess so, just don't put it on your site w/out permission. Also, if you plan on showing them to all your friends or whatever, don't say that they're drawn by you. Remember the phrase "giving credit where it's due" dude!
How Do You Learn To Draw?:
Uh... I just watched alot of anime, read alot of manga and How To Draw books and developed my own style... Of course, I draw everyday and write everyday too. I don't know how Amelia learned to draw, but I think at least Lethal-chan did something like it.
Can I fanart your drawings?:
... If you want. Please send me a copy though... maybe tell where you're putting it if it's gonna be on-line... Oh, and SAY that it's one of my or Lethal-chan's or Amelia's or whoever's characters. In fact, don't fanart Lethal or Amelia, because I don't want to say you can and have them rant on me...
How Long Does It take for you to Post?:
I am trying to do monthly to weekly updates, summed up by the month in the updates section. If I do get something though, it'll probably be pretty quick that it is posted.
Can I have a wallpaper?:
No. Well, probably not...
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How Do I Join?:
You send me an email or message me through some thing. (see my page, at the bottom there's 2 links, click one. Or, if you must, email me.) If I don't mind your art and personality, I will probably let you join. If I like your art, I will let you submit...
When Will My Stuff Be Up?:
HOPEFULLY, soon after I say you can join. But... right now if it's done by Christmas that'll be a miracle... Sorry it can't be sooner!!
Can I Have My Stories Here?:
Eeeehhhh... uh.... MMMMmmmmaaaybe... I really don't want that much story stuff around here though. You can, however, have links to where they might find said stories.
I Only Do NC-17!:
PLEASE DON'T SHOW ME! This kind of thing, over the rating of PG-13 or OT (Older Teen) is REALLY not what I wanna look at, so just save it for your own gallery!
I Do SOME Over PG-13/OT...:
I guess I could host it if it's GOOD and not just staight porn. Of course I would be happy to host the other stuff if it follows all the other stuff, see above and the "Join Us Today!" page.
What do you say about fanart?:
If you can do it, send it! I love fanart and am more than willing to post it. Of course tell me who it is and where they're from so I can put up disclaimers and stuff because I don't watch/read it all! Also know that I CAN'T do fanart, so you and Amelia will probably be the only ones unless a lot of people send fanart.
I have an on-line comic, will you host it?:
Because of space, I suggest:
to actually host it, but I will put links up for it. Please know that I would host it, but I don't have that kind of space. I have what tripod serves for free and nothing else.
How much space DO you have?:
Enough to post a million images. That's all you need to know.
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Can I Meet You?:
Probably not. I live in Alaska and don't like visitors that much. I don't have AIM or YIM or any IM at all, am paranoid and HATE it when I hear voices. The last when didn't fit, but oh well. As a human, I gotta say NO on the meeting me thing, unless you're my classmate or were at one point. You aren't right now, because I'm homeschooled. Alone. In my house. With my Dad and little bro.
Can I ask for art?:
Sure, but I make no promises that you'll get it.
How Do I Navigate This Site?:
From the NAVIGATION BAR, which is either at the top, bottom or side of the page. Idiot.
A Link Isn't Working:
If it's a stray Green Butterflies or KADUK, that's because they don't exist. If it's a picture, NOTIFY NOTIFY NOTIFY!!
Can I Have Money For This Stuff?:
NO! I give no money, I make no money, I have no money, you don't get paid for anything you send me. You get the joy of me repling.
Can I send you money?:
No. I don't trust that kind of thing. At all.
I make wallpapers But I can't draw very well, can I still join?:
Please know WHERE you got the images you're using, and have permission from those people. State what program or software you use to make them. Lastly, I must know where you got said program or software... becuase I want something like that too! But, yes, you can join with only wallpapering skills. Hell, if you draw and wallpaper, that'd be sweet.