Butterflies and Vampyres
Amelia's Gallery
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Shion-chan's Gallery

Amelia-chan is a MAJOR wet noodle!

Unfortunately Amelia-chan has not sent me ANYTHING for discussion. But I, Shion-chan, shall fill in for her! Untill she has something for here. Well, her website is YYH Central, her email is inu_yasha_yusuke3@yahoo.com and she is a major wet noodle! Her gallery is below.
Yugi - from YU-GI-OH!
Eyes - original randomness
Thingy - original... I think...
Okay, that's all I have gotten from her so far.

Like Art? So tell us! get this gear!

So, obviously Amelia drew these, I (shion-chan) wrote the content, and neither of us own YU-GI-OH! I hope you know that Amelia is VERY apologetic over the fact she couldn't type up a disclaimer on her site, but it's not my problem, I did nothing on her site and swear I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. Thank you, and look at the other pages, please.