Butterflies and Vampyres
Join us today!
Amelia's Gallery
Lethal-chan's Gallery
Other Media
Shion-chan's Gallery

Linking People Everywhere!


Link us? Certainly! Send an email if you want us to link you too,
shion_spasm@yahoo.com okay? Now, we do have a banner for linking us somewhere....

Link us with this banner
created by Shion-chan

or this one...
by Shion-chan

or with this...
by Shion-chan.

Or even this last one by Shion-chan.

Links are here. If you want us to put you here, we can.
Our Other Sites--
Amelia-chan's - A Yu Yu Hakusho site by Amelia-chan!
Shion-chan's -
They all died, painful, bloody, gruesom deaths. There will be one just for me again hopefully by new years. 
Lethal-chan's - None :'{
Other People's
Amelia says go here!
<She didn't give me any links yet, sorry... :P>
Lethal-chan says go here!
Shion-chan says go here!
Boys Next Door - Slash warning, cool wallpaper on this page, surf the site for more! Misc. Anime.
Angel Stampede - WICKED site, visit! Vash The Stampede.
Brotherly Love - A definate go to! X-Men Evolution, Slash warning!
Home Of The Sanely Challenged - Can you say "great art"? Misc. art and other stuff, slash warning...
The Back Room of FF7 - I don't know... but it's FF7... if you don't know what that is, I doubt you wanna go there anyway....
The Altar of Fire - It's a sight. With Slash WARNING! ^.^ Misc.
When I Grow Up - Another slash warning and another X-Men Evolution... wee!

Revolving Around Evolution
Slash Warning, X-Men Evolution, wicked!

All credit on the gifs goes to this site:
rated uber G, pretty coot stuff!
